Murmurations: Patricia Rubio

June 30 - September 3, 2022
  • Patricia Rubio, Walking the Path, 2022
    Patricia Rubio, Walking the Path, 2022
  • Patricia Rubio, On & Off, 2022
    Patricia Rubio, On & Off, 2022
  • Patricia Rubio, Midnight Blue, 2022
    Patricia Rubio, Midnight Blue, 2022
  • Patricia Rubio, Me TIme, 2022
    Patricia Rubio, Me TIme, 2022
  • Patricia Rubio, Building an Idea, 2022
    Patricia Rubio, Building an Idea, 2022
MURMURATIONS is the second solo exhibition of Patricia Rubio’s work in the gallery and a dynamic follow-up to her debut exhibition, Emotional Geometry. Since her last show in late 2020, Patricia has created a bold, new body of work that is an exciting step forward in the evolution of her visual language. Exploring both painting and sculpture, Patricia’s latest collection is a summary of thoughts, memories and emotions expressed through an interwoven dialogue of geometric shapes, color shifts and motifs. Murmurations are usually associated with the phenomenon that occurs when flocks of starlings fly in swooping, intricately coordinated patterns in the sky. In Patricia’s MURMURATIONS, the images work together in association; one composition merges into the next, creating a whole. “The shapes are liquid and in constant motion; twisting, turning, compressing and expanding in my mind. They become the sound of hundreds of thoughts and memories that are known but undefined. It is a murmur in my head that slowly forms into the shapes and colors in my art.”