Unraveling Prisms: Myles Bennett

October 16 - November 23, 2023

Pamela Walsh Gallery is pleased to announce the upcoming solo exhibition of Brooklyn-based artist Myles Bennett. The highly anticipated debut exhibition, featuring a diverse range of new works including deconstructed paintings, drawings and sculptures, will open with an Artist Reception on Saturday, October 21st from 5 pm to 7 pm. An engaging Artist Talk, providing insight into Bennett's creative practice, will start at 5:30 pm.

Myles Bennett's work explores the intersection of gesture and the inherent properties of surface. He reimagines the canvas, a traditional medium, with innovation and an open mind. Bennett's unique approach involves extracting the canvas's warp, leaving behind the weft. This subtractive process transforms his understanding of how the canvas interacts with color and form, pushing the limits of the material as an art medium. His current body of work challenges the traditional use of canvas as a substrate, exploring it as a landscape in its own right.