KL Folgner American


KL Folgner is an abstract figurative artist based and represented in the United States. Much of her inspiration is drawn from the Bay Area Figurative Movement as well as the post WWII abstract expressionists of San Francisco. Each piece of art is intended to evoke an essence of a moment, oftentimes a bookmark in her life. Karen’s latest works have continued to explore and merge her love for human form and abstraction. Select explorations have developed into series, each taking on the character and technique unique to her creative process.


In addition to her work in oil, Karen has delved into the three dimensional world of bronze sculpture. With the mentorship of sculptor Albert Guibara, her paintings have materialized through patient process into solid works of spatial art. Form, material, color, texture, light, scale and context all deliver the content of each unique piece. Along with the many accolades won in worldwide juried competitions and shows, Karen’s works can be seen in galleries, businesses and private collections across the United States.

  • KL Folgner, Southern Formality, 2024
    Southern Formality, 2024
  • KL Folgner, Urban Wilderness Walk, 2023
    Urban Wilderness Walk, 2023
  • KL Folgner, Much With Little, 2024
    Much With Little, 2024