Andrew Faulkner American, b. 1961


Born into a family of artists, designers and architects, Andrew Faulkner was encouraged to create from a very young age. “As a child, I celebrated coloring outside the lines, “ he says. “Those loose, imperfect marks began to define my gestural style to this day.” With a focus on abstract landscapes, cityscapes and architectural interiors, Andrew’s artistic practice is influenced by the vibrant colors and dazzling light of Northern California. Many of his landscapes use what he calls “invented color space” to break up the composition and achieve a depth of atmosphere that can be open to multiple interpretations. Andrew studied painting at Trinity College in Hartford , CT and at the School of the Fine Arts Museum in Boston, where the influence of Joseph Albers was still alive in the classrooms. He learned the art of defining space with color and value, which he continues to refine within his work today. He is deeply inspired by Matisse’s use of color. Matisse said, “With color one obtains an energy that seems to stem from witchcraft.” You can find that quote on the wall of his studio.


Andrew’s paintings are a careful orchestrations of color and light that combined, create dynamic reconstructions of some of his favorite places in Marin, Napa and San Francisco.

  • Andrew Faulkner, Warm Horizon, 2024
    Warm Horizon, 2024
  • Andrew Faulkner, Blush of Dusk, 2024
  • Andrew Faulkner, Lavender Stream, 2024
    Lavender Stream, 2024
  • Andrew Faulkner, Noir Refuge, 2024
  • Andrew Faulkner, Alaskan Eve, 2024
    Alaskan Eve, 2024
  • Andrew Faulkner, Marsh Island, 2023
    Marsh Island, 2023
  • Andrew Faulkner, Green Hill Shore, 2024
    Green Hill Shore, 2024
  • Andrew Faulkner, Bouquet, 2023
    Bouquet, 2023
  • Andrew Faulkner, Shetland, 2023
    Shetland, 2023

Born 1961, Washington, DC

Lives and works in Marin County, CA


1984 Trinity College, B.F.A

1982 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA



Electric Light, Pamela Walsh Gallery, Palo Alto, CA


Tuscan Light, Pamela Walsh Gallery, Palo Alto, CA


Bay Light, Pamela Walsh Gallery, Palo Alto, CA


Andrew Faulkner: Exploring Light, Pamela Walsh Gallery, Palo Alto, CA


Contemporary Pastorals, CAMi Art + Wine, Calistoga, CA

Urban Construct, Slate Gallery, Oakland, CA


Urban Cowboy, Gallery 111, Sausalito, CA


Room Gallery, Mill Valley, CA Currently showing works. 

Abstract Landscapes, Branded, Mill Valley, CA


Perspectives, Bay Model, Sausalito, CA

Mixed Media Landscapes, 2nd Friday Art Walk, Riley Street, San Rafael, CA


Solo Show, The Fairfax at Embassy Row, Washington D.C.


Colorscapes, Tiburon Town Hall, Tiburon, CA
